Granite Cutting Tools 150mm Angle Grinder Masonry Disc Turbo Diamond Saw Blade for Granite Stone Concrete


Product Attribute Description
Diameter 6inch (150mm)
Segment Thickness 2.2mm
Segment Type Turbo Segment
Available Segment Types Normal Segment, Continuous Rim Segment, X Mesh Turbo Segment
Application Cutting Granite, masonry, hard concrete , hard artificial and natural stones, clinker,etc.
Features Fast cutting, no chipping, suitable for wet cutting, versatile for various materials including marble, granite, stone, and concrete
Compatibility Angle grinders, circular saw
Construction Hot Pressed Sintered
Blade Quality Diamond-infused segments for durability and cutting speed
Usage Suitable for precise and efficient cutting of granite and other stone materials
Size Options Available in various diameters: 4.5-inch to 14-inch
Packaging Common packaging or as per customer requirement
Manufacturing Time Around 7-30 days
Minimum Order Quantity 10 pieces (formal order)


1.Turbo Diamond Segments
Turbo segments design not only provides faster and smooth cuts, but also ensures chip fee cuts with less dust and longer working life.
2.Superthin Thickness
Super Thin diamond saw blade provides precise clean excellent sharness cutting performance. less dust, less vibration and chip-free.
Dry/Wet Cut Granite, hard concrete , hard artificial and natural stones, clinker,etc. ,Perfect for small wall outlet cut-outs.
Machine: Compatible with angle grinders, circular saw, Max RPM:19,000.

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